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ALAMAK Chat - Rules

The rules on this chat site were developed over time by the users of Alamak and are not imposed arbitrarily by the chat administration.

The rules are administered in the first instance by Operators who are users of the chat who are given access to special commands to kick or ban users who disrupt the chat. The actions of Operators are overseen by a Committee of volunteers and Alamak administrators.


Use of vulgar nicknames or language on the chat is prohibited. This policy is stated on the user login page so no warning is required and you will be banned. We have many under-age users on the chat and conversation in "public" rooms must be acceptable to all parents. Please think before you type.

Language policies apply to all public rooms. A room is public if it is not locked, if it is advertised in public rooms or if an Operator summons in unknown persons on their request.

Context is important. For example, words like hell, damn, pissed, or ass are acceptable unless they are used in insulting context. Similarly, saying "my job sucks" is acceptable, whereas using the word "suck" in other contexts may be grounds for a /kick or /ban.

Words like "fuck" or their derivatives, abbreviations or substitutions (eg "fuk" and "f*ck") are not allowed in any language or dialect. Nor are words and phrases describing genitalia or actions performed with genitalia.


Hostile, insulting or harassing behavior is not allowed.

A user who continues to send messages to and/or make comments about another user after being asked to stop can be accused of harassment and be kicked or banned from the chat.

Repeatedly asking for cybersex is not allowed. Also, asking for cybersex in any of the Teens rooms is not allowed.

Re-posting private messages in public is rude and is grounds for kicking. If you do not like private messages a person is sending you, ask them to stop. If they continue, you can /forward them to an Operator. Or better yet, just /ig ignore them.

Drug Talk and Illegal Activities

Drug talk, drug nicks, and promotion of drug-related activities is not allowed in Alamak Chat and these users can be kicked or banned. What you say in private is private, but if there is a complaint then you are held responsible.

The same rule applies to promotion of illegal activities of any kind. It is not allowed and you can be kicked or banned from the chat.


Use of the chat or other pages at this site for commercial or non-commercial promotion or advertisement without prior written agreement by Alamak is prohibited.

Advertisement or posting of links to other chat sites or pages which are a summary of other chat sites or competing services in public or private is grounds for banning and permanent account removal! Please report these violations to us as soon as possible.


Rapidly or repeatedly posting excessively long, duplicate, single character or word per line messages, or excessive random garbage is termed flooding and is grounds for a kick or ban.

Repost of server messages is considered flooding,. The server posts certain messages for a reason, if they are intended to be public they are posted publically once, if they are private notifications they are sent privately. There is no reason to repost these messages and hence a useless waste of chat bandwidth and an irritation to other chatters.

Reposting kick and ban reposting of ban reasons is not allowed since these are sent to banned users upon attempt to login, you can post ban reasons privately to other users.

Committee should not reveal the /deop , abuse logs , comBB , or other committee only information to other chatters publically or privately.

Ganging Up on an Operator

Publicly or privately accusing an Operator of unfair behavior, or asking them to justify their actions, is considered to be sufficient reason for a kick or ban. If an Operator is acting unfairly, make a report to the committee using the /com command. Only Committee members and System Admin can question Operators about their actions. P> Operators are not allowed to use their powers to ridicule, disparage, or threaten other users. If they do so, they will be permanently dropped to Operator level 1 or have their account removed.

Abuse of the Bulletin Board

The Bulletin Board is for leaving messages to other users with the /post command. All users can see the Board with the /read command. Do not use it to quarrel, insult, harass, threaten or complain. If you have complaints about Alamak, use the Contact Us Page. If you have complaints about other Operators, use the /com command to contact the committee. If you post excessively or make attempts to flush postings off the board you can be suspended or deopped for up to 2 weeks. Postings can be specifically removed by the committee on request.

If you abuse the board you may be deopped or your account suspended indefinitely. If you publicly disparage Alamak, claim unfairness, or otherwise slander Alamak on the board, you may have your account removed. All complaints can be addressed directly to us on the Contact Us Page where they will receive prompt attention.


Hacking is an illegal activity and promotion or speaking favorably of hacking and hackers is a kickable offence. Distribution of hacking programs, links to hacking sites, or hacking in any form is not allowed and if you are caught you can be kicked or banned. If you are an Operator, your account may be removed.

Slander of Alamak

We do our best to provide fair and good service. If you have a complaint about Alamak you can use the Contact Us Page.

If you come onto the chat line and complain about unfairness in the level system or in any other way disparage Alamak Chat (like saying "Alamak Sucks" or "Some other chat is better") you can be kicked or banned. If you are an Operator, your level may be dropped or your account may be suspended or removed.

We do welcome positive feedback. Please use the Contact Us Page to tell us how we can improve our service to you.

Lack of Cooperation with Policies

Occasionally, the Committee, Admin or Operators may /msg some chatter about behavior which is objectionable. If the chatter is rude back and/or puts on their /ig, the chatter can be kicked or banned for refusing to cooperate.

When the chatter returns, the /ig list will be clean and the responsible person can again continue with the discussion and hopefully a more cooperative chatter.


Users and Ops are not allowed to publicly post links or pass out the URL to pornographic sites or sites with sex related content.

Kick and Ban Rules

Kicking for CAPS is not allowed.

Kicking for GHOST nicks is not allowed. Some users claim they were using a nick and were disconnected to get another chatter using that nick kicked off or to get the nick that the other chatter is using. Ops shouldn't help regular users to steal a nick away from someone who had it first that day.

Kicking IMPERSONATION or similar nicks is not allowed unless it is a clear case of harassment. If the similar nick is allowed by the server, its user has a right to use it unless they are harassing someone on the chat. In the case of harassment, ban for harassment, don't kick for impersonation.


(1) If an Operator receives the vulgarity or harassment in a private message, the Operator can kick or ban the person for the reason of "harassment".

(2) If a non-Operator requests a kick or ban for harassment or vulgarity in private message, the person lodging the complaint must provide evidence with a /forward to an Operator before the Operator is allowed to kick or ban. If the accuser can not provide evidence, the Operator may still ask the the accused what is going on. In both situations, the Operator involved may be asked by a Committee member to support their action by forwarding the private message (or the /forward from the non-Operator)to the Committee member for review. When asked, please provide it promptly - thanks.


If a user asks for c-sex in public, they can be kicked after one warning. If they ask for c-sex in a Teens or under-age room, they can be kicked or banned without warning. Asking for c-sex in a private message is allowed if both parties are of age of consent in their country.

If a user asks for c-sex in a private message, consider that the person did ask rather than just talking dirty straight off. If you are not interested, give them a firm "No and don't bother me with it again". If they continue, you can ban them for harassment by one of the two rules above. You will need evidence by a /forward if this is request from another user and a Committee may ask you to show the evidence as stated above.

Kick and Ban Wars / Revenge Activity

Operators engaging in revenge activities or kick or ban wars with other Operators is grounds for a /deop by Committee and possibly permanent account removal by the office.

Attempting to Violate Security

If you use a nick that tries to make you look like someone who works for Alamak, and you do not, you can be kicked, banned, deopped, de-registered or suspended.

If you attempt to get other people's passwords or session ID's the same will happen. We don't take this behavior lightly.

Promoting any activity which could cause security problems, or damage or disrupt other users by interfering with their computers, can expect to be penalized to the fullest of our ability. This includes winuke, sniffing, or anything we deem unfriendly or involved in denial of service or damage.

Admin Exemptions

The Alamak administrators are exempt from kicking and banning. They can and will deop or suspend accounts if there are violations of the chat rules. Administrators do not want to be harassed for what is obviously an appropriate action. Ganging up on an administrator will result in more kicking and banning without warning, and is not advisable.

Administrators can come on under any nickname. But don't believe everyone who says they are an Alamak administrator. There is a lot of fakes out there. Never give out your password online to anyone.