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![]() Exclamation Inc PO BOX 361 Clark Fork, ID 83811 USA |
Alamak / How to Become an Op![]() ![]() As an Operator you must read and agree to follow the Chat Policies as well as the conditions and rules stated in the Ops Policy. Also ops agree to follow the rules stated in the Kick and Ban page. We at Alamak just want to make sure that people who paying for service here do not have the right to abuse other users. The intention is the opposite, to create a friendly chat community.
You must fill out the Operator Application and get a REFERENCE NUMBER. If you do not get REFERENCE NUMBER or fail to write it clearly on your check or money order we will accept your payment as a donation. As explained elsewhere we are short on staff and need you to help us out by getting and including a reference number, thanks!
Make checks payable to Exclamation Inc We do not process the mail applications until we recieve payment and this is entirely dependent on the mail system. See below for time estimates. Non-US users can try International Money Order for an amount equivalent to $20 US dollars. Canadian exchange aprox. $28CA = $20US and Canadian Postal Money Order works very well. If you do not include the service charge in your payment or provide the correct amount we will deduct it first then setup the account with the remaining time.
Renewals are not loaded into the server immediately and it takes the usual 3-4 weeks for payment to arrive by mail so make sure you do this ahead of time if you want to avoid an interruption in service. Renewals will be using a new form and RENEWAL REFERENCE NUMBER. See Renewals Page.
Operators are added when membership fee is recieved and this can take 1 - 4 weeks depending on the mail. New OPs are added as mail arrives and as we have no control over mail delivery, repeated requests to be added just make more work and will not speed up the process. If you pay by mail don't forget to fill out the Application Form so we get your correct IP address, password, and nickname.
Send your $20.00 check or Money Order made out to Alamak with your chat nickname, machine address as shown on the Application ( BY MAIL ) , and desired password to:
PO BOX 361 Clark Fork, ID 83811 USA webmaster@www.alamak.com We regret we will not be able to return long distance phone calls
This chatline is entirely supported by Operator subscriptions which amounts to just over $5 a month per person. About the same as 10 video games, 2 packs cigarrettes or a 6 pack of beer. If you compare us with other web based chats you will find that we dont just offer chat, we have many services here, see Why Become an Op?. Additionally we don't just offer one chat on one server but maintain 5 servers in the US as well as 1 in Singapore and another in the UK. We have a presence on 3 continents! Multiple servers means redundancy, if one goes down the others will still be up and operating. We are constantly improving and adding to our services. If you are getting your internet access from a large provider they may offer a local chat system that is paid for by your internet subscriptions fees. These chat system are usually not as well monitored as Alamak Chat and are not Globally accessible like our Web Chat. Most of our users have PPP or SLIP accounts with providers in thier area and access the net directly. The SLIP or PPP setup runs $15 - $30 a month depending on the provider plus $5 a month Operator access here ... is several times less than $60 - $100 a month you would pay for a similar amount of time chatting with one of those nationwide internet provider.
Pricing and policies are subject to change without notice. Abuse of Operator privledges can result in complaints from regular users, and upon recommendation by the Operator Committee Operator account will be suspended or removed. Alamak reserves the right to remove Operators from the list for any reason without refund! |