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![]() Exclamation Inc PO BOX 361 Clark Fork, ID 83811 USA |
Alamak Operator ConditionsAlamak Operator status entitles you to unlimited access ( even if we're full you get in ) and special benifits on all of Alamak Servers and services including Server #1, #2, #EU, #SG, Hackchat, Hackchat #SG, HackChat #EU, CyberMyst, CyberMyst #SG, and a 50% discount or full access to the upcoming Galactic Conq game server(s) depending on current Galactic Conq policy and availability.You also understand that you are expected to respect other users, keep within the law, and may be asked but not obligated to take on additional responsiblity to help police and keep the chat line clean and friendly for all users. You agree you will not oppose in any way those who take the time to keep the chat clean and freindly by fairly enforcing chat policies. You also agree that your Ops account is for your use only and you will not transfer, sell, or share your account. You also agree that Alamak has the right to suspend or remove the above account for ( but not limited to ) a breach in chat policy as stated on the Alamak web sites. In the event that account is removed, you understand that you are still reponsible for payment of the above account and bound by this contract. As user of Alamak services, you waive all rights to direct or indirect legal action against Exclamation Inc or it's shareholders.
Alamak Ops PolicyAs an Alamak Operator and part of the Alamak community you agree to abide by and support the CHAT POLICIES and agree to the legal disclaimer therein for the conditions of use. Also check out the Kick and Ban Policy for the complete guide.We reserve the right to suspend or remove any account for any reason without refund. This page is not comprehensive since we can not envision every possible scenario but will give an idea the sorts of things that would warrant suspension or removal of an account. Make sure you also check the FAQ for additional notes on kick and ban rules! Accounts used primarily for kicking and banning other users typically show low ban times. This mean the Op logs in, kicks or bans and then logs off. Also accounts involved in kick and ban wars fall under this catagory. This activity hurts our business and these accounts will be permanently suspended, ergo removed, no exception and no refund. In recent months abuse on some of the servers such as kick and ban wars, login /kick or /ban and run, and attempts to buy over higher level accounts has excalated. In response to these abuses and lack of staff time we have instructed the committee to inform the administration of the worst abusers and those accounts are being systematically removed, ergo permanent suspension. As proof of abuse we are using the server kick and ban logs. As a rule of thumb, treat everyone with the same respect that you would give the adminstrator (or just any person you would meet face to face on the street ) and everyone including the admin. will respect and even appreicate you. The /ban command should be used as a very last resort only. Remember, personal conflicts should not be resolved by the use of these commands or the threat of use. Use of this command should be restricted to cases of harrassment or refusing to cooperate and stop behavior that is offensive the majority of users. Banning should only be used in extreme cases. A ban prevents all users matching the address ban from using the entire chat. Both nick and address bans are supported at this time. When banning by nickname the server figures out what would be a good address ban, places the ban, and kicks the user off the chat. You can not use a nick ban unless the user is actually on the chat. Since many users have several accounts address bans are most effective if you use less that the full address. A good rule of thumb is if it is an IP address like remove everything after the last period inclusive. So an address ban like "/ban 134.34.15" might work well. Address bans ban the address but do not kick anyone off the chat and so is most effective when used with the /kick command. Level 1 ops (all new accounts are level 1 until the next automatic server upgrade) are not able to use the /kick or /ban commands against other Operators. Negligent use of Ops privledges including kicking or banning for fun or for poor reasons or vulgarity / insults inserted into ban reasons are grounds for suspension of Operator powers 1 week. Users are entitled to thier own opinions and enjoyment of the chat. Use sound judgement and don't let your personal feelings interfere with your decisions. We want to keep this chat a friendly place; if a user is just being antagonistic then you should kick them off the chat. We don't need this sort of hostility on the chat as it makes everyone's experience here unpleasant. Make sure though that you don't kick someone for presenting a different point of view. Constructive arguement fosters and intellectual atmosphere. Alamak fully supports freedom of speech ... as long as it is to a constructive end. Disagreements between Operators should be resolved by private message or in a private room with other Operators to moderate. Public disputes between Ops may result in both Ops being suspended for 1 week. Users and Ops are not allowed to publically post links on thier name or with the /http command or pass out the URL to pornographic or sites with sex related content. Ops Note : For minor problems you might message the person to cool down. For a room wide problem use a /bold warning. If that doesn't solve it start kicking and banning. Your Ops account is for your use only and according to the Ops contract you have agreed to not to transfer, sell, or share your account. Do not share or transfer your Ops account or password. If you are caught sharing your account with your school-mates or co-workers your account will be revoked without refund. Use of the chat or other pages at this site for commercial or non-commercial promotion or advertisement without prior agreement by Alamak is prohibited and is grounds for suspension or removal of account with no refund. Accounts are non-transferable and you are still obligated by the application agreement to pay us even if we suspend your account for sharing or other reasons. You will be billed $20 for changes to your nickname but password changes are free. Private rooms are just that: private, as long as you know everyone in the room. As soon as you start summoning unknown people into the room you MAY be subjected to the rules at policies of public rooms! Illegal activites anywhere on the chat are not allowed but you forfiet any right to privacy as soon as you summon an unknown person into the room. If they complain about, record, or forward any of that information then you the maintainer of the private room (the owner of the /lock) are legally responsible and may loose your Ops privledges. What does this mean? This means if you are carrying out any kind of illegal activity or promoting illegal activity in a private room and you summon someone in, expect to loose your Ops privledges. This includes promotion of illegal substances as long as the law still says they are illegal for anyone in the room to consume. This also includes kiddie porn or talking dirty to someone underage. Operators can not create rooms for other users and leave as the new room will collapse and put the other users back on the "Doorstep". Please be clear and precise if reporting a problem and only report if the problem appears to be consistent and not due to your provider or machine. Operators are not required to kick or ban anyone since the main point here is to have fun. Operators who do not want to police should not defend thier friends who are not following chat policies. If you do have a conflict with an Operator who is fairly enforcing chat policies you may be suspended on recommendation by the Operator Committee. The OPERATOR COMMITTEE is composed of volunteers selected by reputation and a vote among the nominees. They read the initial complaint mail, determining the details, and then if needed recommend an address be put on the permanent ban list or warn the overzealous Operator at fault. If these do not prove satisfactory to curb the problem then the committee can recomend and enforce suspension or removal of Operator privledges. Make sure you are fair and make impartial decisions and support free exchange of ideas within the law. Harrassment, foul language, public vulgarity, illegal subject matter, insults, and bigotry should not be tolerated. Chat policies are clearly stated on the regular user login page. Don't argue with people using FOUL LANGUAGE or OFFENSIVE NICKNAMES, /kick or /ban them with an explaination. If the offense seems minor or an isolated case a warning may be more appropriate than a /kick or /ban. |