![]() Exclamation Inc PO BOX 361 Clark Fork, ID 83811 |
The Original Fun & Friendly Web Chat |
Alamak Supports Freedom of SpeechWe support freedom of speech and free exchange of ideas.Early on it was clear that we had to impose some sort of regulation just so that users could chat without being flooded by abusive users. Two months after Alamak was created in 1995 we had an 11 year old from Australia log in and proceed to "pee" in the Pool and Hot_Tub. He was asked nicely to stop flooding the rooms with these annoying descriptions but the situation just got worse. It got bad enough that other users could not chat freely and so policies were set, the /kick and /ban commands created, and a permban feature added to the chat. We do not restrict peoples right to free speech, the users here do. The chatters request it and they want it. Alamak listens to what the Ops here want and sets official guidelines. We do ask Operators to be flexible, to try to reason with users, and act impartially. The point of the guidelines is to keep the chat friendly and clean enough so anyone, even an 11 years old, can come on and not be harrassed or bothered by bad language. We are a private chat site and do not appreciate users or other site administrators taking advantage of our free services to promote other chat sites. We do monitor anything that looks like a network address by recording who posted it and the network address ( not the rest of the message ). We also log kick, ban, unban, and signoff messages by Operators. Other than these exceptions Alamak does not monitor private messages or private rooms that are locked. All information other that those mentioned above is kept in memory ( no files ) and persists only as long as the server is running. Private messages persist in memory only 3 minutes. Private rooms hold only the last 60 lines typed and are destroyed after 5 minutes of inactivity. We do not tap in on others converstions, see into private rooms, or break into private rooms. We do not support this kind of invasion of privacy by Ops or administration. |
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